I am a software expert in Barcelona
I am a software expert with a degree in Computer Engineering. My professional career has been on the field of QA, Validation, Automation, Management and Software Architecture
I have worked in and for several companies during my work carrer. They are the following:
Deep knowledge of design patterns and code quality, SOA, microservices and distributed computing architecture.
Development with different programming languages and/or CMS. From pure HTML+CSS, Python+Flask+Jinja2 or Wordpress/Joomla/Drupal
High knowledge performing automation tasks with Python with validation and verification purposes
Understanding and posibility to perform customizations in Linux, MacOs or Windows OS
Capacity to perform a deployment in Heroku, AWS or Firebase. Manage Docker instances and build scalable production environments
Because QA is the most important during a project/product development and with my years of experience on this field, quality is always the main priority during any project/product development
First and the original design for the Prusa i3 3D printer. Started as a project with Xavi Tarmarit and finally used as the base for the 3D printer course of AESS Estudiants